Dennis Yee


Almost all young children draw. Unlike my relatives and friends, I never grew out of that stage. I loved comic books (still do) and they became my art instruction books. With a pencil tightly gripped in my little fingers, I drew my own comics. To this day, I have a callous on my middle finger. I didn’t know their names but artists like Curt Swan, Gil Kane, Mike Sekowsky, Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko instilled in me a love of drawing.

Other than a couple of high school and community college classes, I’m largely self-taught. I started painting and sculpting in college. I joke that I’m pretty good with figures, both human and numerical, which is how I managed to get biology degree and an MBA as well as land some freelance work as a comic book artist/writer.  Other than drawing cover illustrations for a comic book newsletter, I pretty much sopped artwork for most of my adult life.

Now, I’m slowly getting back into the art game. I still love classic comic book art and illustration (much undervalued, in my humble opinion). I prefer representational or figurative realistic art.  Animals and people fascinate me and a successful rendering of them satisfies me immensely.

As the saying goes, it's not the destination, but the journey that counts...


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