Date: Meeting every 4th Saturday of the month (except November and December). Location: St. Mark’s Lutheran Church (3051 Putnam Blvd, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523). How to Participate: You can join us for free—no reservation required!


  • January: Welcome & Introductions (Lorna), Updates on Exhibition Venues (Lia). “Sharing Art & Inspirations”: Bring your art or inspirations to share and discuss as a group!


  • January: Members “Show & Share” their artwork, creative process and inspirations.

  • February: Presentation and demonstration by Melissa Stephens, encaustic painter and mixed-media artist.

  • March: Presentation and demonstration by guild member Raf Podowski, surrealist artist and sculptor.

    April: Presentation and demonstration by Donna Brown, printmaker, woodcuts, linocuts, etchings, monoprints, and screen prints artist.

  • May: Members “Show & Share” artwork, creative process, and inspirations, followed by an informal discussion on activities for the remainder of 2024.

  • June: Who inspires you to make art? When did you start doing art? Members discussed their favorite artist(s), why they inspired them, and when their own creative endeavors began.

  • July: Field trip to the Bedford Gallery, Cut Paste Create show, celebrating the deft use of materials and creative spirit of collage.

  • August: Members “Show & Share” artwork, creative process and inspirations. Bring pieces to photograph for your Members' Gallery page and work together to create your artist statement. More info about ARTSCCC's plans for supporting all artists in Contra Costa County.

  • September: Lunch at Artist Lorna's home, then off to visit the Saint Mary's College Museum of Art.

  • October: Share your creativity by showcasing your finished or in-progress work, or tell us about the artist(s) who inspire you and why!


  • January: Members “Show & Share” their artwork.

  • February: Sue Ballenger, watercolor, gouache, and acrylic artist. Demonstration on approach to working light to dark, building up translucent washes of color.

  • March: Members “Show & Share” their artwork.

  • April: Peggy Magovern, pencil artist. Demonstration on approach, subject matter, method and inspiration.

  • May: Review of Guild website and members “Show & Share” their artwork.

  • June: Members share images (print images, books) of their favorite artists (alive or passed) and their artwork inspired by those artists.

  • July: Members visit to the Bedford Gallery, Walnut Creek for a docent led tour of the show Sight Unseen: International Photography by Blind Artists.

  • August: Portrait artist Seema Mahboob, presented her work in oil, watercolor, and charcoal, and provided a demo of her process to create a portrait.

  • September: Guild “Annual Art Supplies Garage Sale” to raise proceeds for the guild general fund and members “Show & Share” their artwork.

  • October: Colleen Gianatiempo, multi-media artist, shared her artistic journey to become a professional artist, and provided a demo of her creative process using acrylic and everyday objects to create a collage.


  • January: Terry Enlow, photographer. Digital photography presentation.

  • February: Members “Show & Share” their artwork.

  • March: Aissa Markey, collage artist, leads blind contour drawing and collage activity.

  • April: Members share historical artist or friend’s work that inspires their own work.

  • May: Lucy Beck, photographer. Demonstration of her creative process and technique with live flowers.

  • June: Members share artwork by family members.

  • July: Members “Show & Share” their artwork.

  • August: Martin Biro, fine art painter and silversmith. History of silver, value, vintage, and restoration presentation.

  • September: Members “Show & Share” their artwork.

  • October: Members annual “Art Supplies Garage Sale”. Proceeds benefit LJ-EBAG general fund.


  • January: Elizabeth Kennen, watercolor artist. Watercolor pencils presentation.

  • February: Members “Show & Share” their artwork.

  • March: Lisa Fulmer, artist, marketing consultant. How to research, develop, implement, analyze ideas, and make realistic marketing plans presentation.

  • April: Members share historical artist or friend’s work that inspires their own work.

  • May: Marylynne Nicholson, oil/acrylic artist and art instructor. Present what she loves to paint and tips and techniques for beginning a painting.

  • June: Jeslyn Kate Sebold, Block Print artist. Presenting in a “cooking show style” format, demonstrating the start of carving each block and sharing finished pieces.

  • July: Members “Show & Share” their artwork.

  • August: Tess Felix, contemporary artist using ocean plastic debris found among coastlines presentation.

  • September: Members “Show & Share” their artwork.

  • October: Samantha McNally, watercolor artist. Watercolor technique and subject matter presentation.


  • January: Members “Show & Share” their artwork.

  • February: Nancy Roberts, Artist, Art Instructor - Acrylic paint techniques.

  • March: Members share favorite artist(s) that inspire their work.

  • April: No meeting.

  • May: Members “Show & Share” their artwork.

  • June: Members “Show & Share” their artwork.

  • July: Members “Show & Share” their artwork.

  • August: Members “Show & Share” their artwork.

  • September: Tesia Blackburn, artist and teacher. Demonstration on the use of Golden products, techniques and color.

  • October: “Silent Auction” of members artwork. Proceeds benefit LJ~EBAG and community program.

Visit the Newsletter page for previous Monthly Meeting activities and presenters.

Co-Sponsored by Pleasant Hill Recreation & Park District

District Arts Partner ARTSCCC(Arts Contra Costa County)

501(C)(3) nonprofit since 2006